Lezing 1880 – Prof.dr. Scott Trager

Foto: Stella Dekker Fotografie
SprekerProf.dr. S.C. Trager (RUG)
TitelWEAVEing together the Universe, from nearby stars to distant galaxies
Datum/tijddinsdag 21 januari 2025 om 20:00u
Taalde lezing wordt in het Engels gegeven
LocatieRabo Studio in Forum Groningen en online (zie Livestream)
Aanmeldenvooraf aanmelden wordt zeer op prijs gesteld vanwege de (gratis door het KNG ter beschikking gestelde) catering en kan tot zondag 19 januari 17:00u via: kng@rug.nl
Livestreamlezing online volgen? Dat kan vanaf +/- 19:55u via de livestream op YouTube. Vooraf aanmelden is dan niet nodig.

WEAVE is the new next-generation survey facility for the William Herschel Telescope, part of the Isaac Newton Group Telescopes, the joint Spanish–British–Dutch observatory on La Palma in the Canary Islands. WEAVE was designed with the express purpose of following up the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite mission, which has been measuring the positions and motions of stars in the Milky Way with extraordinary accuracy for over a decade, and the Dutch radio astronomy projects LOFAR and Apertif, which study the evolution of galaxies and their environments.

In this lecture I will discuss the genesis, design, development, construction, and commissioning of WEAVE. I will highlight the challenges encountered during WEAVE’s development, which ranged from broken lenses to the impact of the pandemic to the temporary collapse of global shipping to a volcanic eruption on La Palma (among others). WEAVE saw its first light in late 2022 in the first of its three major modes.

I will conclude the lecture by presenting the first published result from WEAVE, on the physics of the massive shock in the Stephan’s Quintet group of galaxies, and a sneak preview of WEAVE’s new science results on a favorite night sky object, the Ring Nebula.

Bekijk het laatste nummer van het RUG alumnimagazine Broerstraat 5 voor meer achtergrondinformatie over het onderzoek van Scott Trager.